Peace and Justice Committee

The Peace and Justice Committee is part of the Outreach Commission. The Committee aids parishioners in seeking peace and justice by pursuing an understanding of Scripture and Catholic tradition on peace and justice by reflecting that tradition through prayer, study, discernment, teaching, and social action.

We believe that all people are children of God. Through our personal and communal witness, we affirm the equal rights of all people and work to change those structures that deny and obstruct the free exercise of basic human freedoms.

For more information, contact Charlie at

The Committee focuses on the various areas of communal and personal interest and need. Members research topics and discern how the topic relates to current realities locally, nationally, and internationally. As of now, the Committee is advocating the following in various ways:

      The primary mission of the Gesu LGBTQ+ Support subcommittee is to provide support, encouragement,
      advocacy, and resources to members of the Gesu parish family who are members of the LGBTQ+ community,
      as well as to members of the parish family who have relatives who are part of that community.
      We also seek to foster education and understanding in ourselves and members of our parish family
      with regard to the LGBTQ+ community and the issues, challenges, and discrimination its members face
      both within the Catholic Church and the wider society.

      Some of the ways we have done and continue to do this include:
          - publishing information and articles in the Parish update;
          - making relevant books and other written materials available;
          - sponsoring ZOOM presentations by Rev. James Martin, SJ; 
          - displaying the PRIDE flag and TRANS flag in the church Social Area during PRIDE Month;
          - marching in the annual Motor City PRIDE Parade and distributing copies of Gesu Welcome bookmark;
          - supporting Dignity Detroit and Families with Dignity;
          - sponsoring films and other programs.
  • Nuclear Weapons Disarmament
      This group began to meet in February 2022 as a response to reflection on Living in the Light of Christ's Pease:
       A Conversation Toward Nuclear Disarmament
    by Bishop John C. Wester of Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA). 
      It was decided that the education of Gesu parishioners on this issue is essential and urgent,
      and so information notices are placed at various times in the Gesu publication.
      The group is under the umbrella of the Peace and Justice Committee and meets as needed

  • Beloved Community
      The Beloved Community at Gesu emerged as a subcommittee of Gesu's Peace and Justice Committee
      whose January 2002 minutes recorded its mission as "seeking to model and inspire the Beloved Community,
      as laid out by Dr. M.L. King..."by deepening our commitment to confronting and challenging racism."

           In 2011, the anti-racism committee voted to change its name to "Beloved Committee" because
           "We sensed that we would enjoy far more success by referring to ourselves by the goal toward which we are striving
            as opposed to what we are standing against. We realize we are only part of a worldwide movement toward
            Beloved Communities.

  • Book Club
       The Gesu Book Club meets six times a year on the 4th Monday of the month.
       The group formed as a local effort to narrow social divisions. Reading selections recommended
       by participants reveals what we have in common and/or helps us rethink ideas about race, class, and religion.
       We hope to build a more inclusive community through our open, informal discussion.